
North Yorkshire

Project Overview

Project: New housing scheme (rural exception site)
Client: Jack Lunn
Size: 24 units
Cost: N/A
Status: Planning

The design proposal intends to provide a sympathetic response to the surrounding context. The homes use materials indicative of the local area whilst the layout seeks to provide a range of homes as part of the development to allow for a positive contribution to the local community. The site is situated in an architecturally interesting transition zone of materiality, from the Vale of York traditional brick buildings towards the stone architecture of the Yorkshire Dales.

Allowing for a low level of density and introducing new linkages to existing access routes, the scheme will become part of the village and seeks to become intrinsic to the local community. In addition, the proposals also introduce additional open space for the benefit of the surrounding flora and fauna, with the design enhancing existing wildlife and creating and enhancing wildlife corridors.

Ecological and physical constraints inform the design response, this included the most appropriate access point to the site, the avoidances of a Yorkshire Water sewer which dissects the site and the mature hedgerows which abound. The topography of the site has allowed for a strong design response, orientating towards the open countryside and utilising the falls across the site to prevent the visual impact from neighbouring properties, with the intention to utilise stone filled gabions to form the building plateaus.


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