

Project Overview

Project: Design and implementation of a new, purpose built financial services building
Client: Link Interchange
Size: 35,000 sq ft
Status: Completed

The building is designed to reflect the hi-tech nature of the client organisation which occupies a unique position within the banking world, serving and linking together the ATM facilities of numerous High Street Banks.

As security is of vital importance, it drove many aspects of the design to ensure the absolute safety of the systems. The solid ground level plinth houses the Central Data Centre and primary building services. The other plant is located within a free-standing structure to the west of the main building.

The predominantly glazed office spaces are accommodated at first and second floor levels and gathered around a central atrium which draws in more natural light.

The light and airy nature of the office interior, exploiting to the full the fine views in all directions, has assisted the client to expand rapidly since occupying the building. The aesthetic treatment of the building quietly expresses the nature of the client’s business, while security issues are unobtrusively integrated.

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"S+SA have supported a number of Persimmon Yorkshire’s developments including S106 commitments and residential proposals.  Their conscientious, positive and enthusiastic approach and commitment to our schemes has led to the successful delivery of these agreements.  Their speedy, prompt and collaborative way of working has allowed us to progress our residential programs to the highest possible standard.  We look forward to working with Chris and the team again."

Gareth Uttley, Technical Manager - Persimmon Homes (Yorkshire)

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